How to Take Care of Your Motocross Goggles

Keep your motocross goggles - and especially the lenses - in maximum cleanliness. Clean the lenses under tap water, gently wipe the front side with soft damp paper towel or soft microfibre cloth.

Avoid touching the inner side of the lens. Inner side has anti-fog treatment which is quite sensitive to mechanical damage. If necessary, clean the inner side of the lens with clear water without any detergents. Wipe your goggles dry with a soft cloth. Use a very light touch only, using harsh scrubs will damage the inner Anti-fog coating.

Wash your goggles completely in water from time to time. This will prolong the life of the goggle foam, sweat will deteriorate foam after a while making it brittle and cause it to crumble and fall apart.

  1. If your goggles are muddy, first just rinse the heavy stuff off the goggles with the water hose before you get started.
  2. Fill the kitchen sink with warm water and add small amount of mild laundry detergent. Avoid using chemicals as although they will clean your lens the ammonia will eventually turn the lens brittle and cracks will begin to appear and run through the lens. Your goggle lenses are treated with a coating on the inner and outer side to optimise vision and reduce fogging. This finish can be quite delicate particularly on the inner side.
  3. Submerge the goggles completely into the water and let them soak for a few minutes.
  4. Gently work the soapy water through the goggle foam for a few minutes or until clean.
  5. Take a paper towel or microfiber cloth and dip it into the soapy water and lightly wash the lens front and back side. This is the safest and best way to clean the lens and not scratch it.
  6. Rinse the goggles off with cold water. Take your time to make sure you have all the detergent rinsed from the foam.
  7. Let your goggles air dry, out of the sun and excessive heat. Avoid placing them back in the goggle bag until they are completely dry as trapped moisture can also damage the foam.